我們夜晚吃過飯後都會到沙灘旁的小食亭買個青椰子飲,在Copacabana沙灘上是2.5real (約1歐羅或10.5港元), 在Salvandor才是0.8real,旅遊區真是旅遊區。
2007年6月29日 星期五
2007年6月28日 星期四
2007年6月24日 星期日
是不是過了一週年紀念之後還可叫新婚,新婚的定議是什麼? 我在填寫表格的時候,婚姻狀況的那一欄我還會很自然地想填單身; 我倆對鞋子應如何擺放還未有一個完全的解決方案; 早上誰先起身弄咖啡都你我推讓未有定案; 我對肥外處理CD的方法還真一點都不可認同,經常在Michael George處找到Bob Marley。所以我們還應該在新婚適應(調整?)期,在協調大家不同之處。再者,這一年也好像過得很快,對我來說更甚,巴黎的每件事和周邊的人都不同,每一天對我來說都有點戰戰兢兢的感覺。這一年我都常覺得肥外這裡,那裡做得不好,一點都不體諒我的處景,理解我所承受的壓力,很多時我都有一種孤獨感,好像好多事都要獨自去應付,或都要自己去爭取,開始有點給壓得透不過氣之感,常問自己這是婚姻生活嗎? 是不是單身生活比較適合我? 其他夫妻又是不是也必需經過這一個階段? 這個階段會維持多久?
就只是這幾天開始用第二角度去看我們,是否過去我要求得太多,太要肥外穿着我的鞋子走路,是否我太鑽牛角尖? 我常認為我為了這段婚姻放棄了一切,放棄了一切我在乎得要命的,所以肥外理應對我如天上明珠的好,常要他每事以我為先。今晚吃過飯後我問他,對著我這個對他永不滿意的太太,難道不會累麼? 他沒有考慮便答:「沒有,可能你會覺得我不愛你,不過我真的很愛你。」聽了後,我開始覺得這一年來我沒有真正及努力的去諒解他,可能跟我希望他站在我這邊還有一段距離,但他己盡了能力去迎合我的無理要求。我忘了肥外也為我放棄了很多,他要忍受這個不斷多多要求的我,3天有一天鬧情緒的我。我也忘了他是一個獨生子又給母親過份的寵壞,要去照顧一個人對他來說並不來得自然,為他人設想的行為並沒有在我出現前發生過,所以其實他跟我一起也很辛苦地適應兩個人的生活,而且他從沒跟我抱怨過。
就只是這幾天開始用第二角度去看我們,是否過去我要求得太多,太要肥外穿着我的鞋子走路,是否我太鑽牛角尖? 我常認為我為了這段婚姻放棄了一切,放棄了一切我在乎得要命的,所以肥外理應對我如天上明珠的好,常要他每事以我為先。今晚吃過飯後我問他,對著我這個對他永不滿意的太太,難道不會累麼? 他沒有考慮便答:「沒有,可能你會覺得我不愛你,不過我真的很愛你。」聽了後,我開始覺得這一年來我沒有真正及努力的去諒解他,可能跟我希望他站在我這邊還有一段距離,但他己盡了能力去迎合我的無理要求。我忘了肥外也為我放棄了很多,他要忍受這個不斷多多要求的我,3天有一天鬧情緒的我。我也忘了他是一個獨生子又給母親過份的寵壞,要去照顧一個人對他來說並不來得自然,為他人設想的行為並沒有在我出現前發生過,所以其實他跟我一起也很辛苦地適應兩個人的生活,而且他從沒跟我抱怨過。
2007年6月20日 星期三
上個月考文試前收到新加坡皮媽的3本書,一是不看,一看便停不了,因為實在太好笑了所以最後連考試也不顧。她寄給我的是「我的打令是外個人 - 第一、二冊」及「交換日記-第9冊」。在「我的打令是外個人」中,那個日本作者用漫畫方式說出一些她跟她的打令生活上的一些趣事。其實很多都集中於說她打令的好笑事。所以我也開始想想肥外的一些有趣事,目前為止就只想到這幾點(呵...呵...)
1. 肥外看賽車比賽、網球比賽、打機的時候都會整個身體多個部位都會跟著賽車、網球的方向動。我說的不止是頭呀,好像當我們在巴西的機場等候上機的時候都會用肥外的blackberry打撞磚的遊戲來打發時間,肥外有一次由於投入得很,連腳都一起跟撞磚的球一起動,球是撞了磚,而他的腳就撞了坐在他隔鄰的候機乘客去。
2. 跟肥外在街上走其實還挺危險的,因為當跟他一起走路的時候,他會不知不覺的向我那邊推,你可知巴黎的街上的狗便便很多,一不留神可給他推到狗便便上。不過很多時都是給他推出行人路,沒有車來的時候還挺安全的。
3. 這個我可是將我的快樂建築在他的身體殘障上,不過還真的每次我都會跟他取笑一番。就是他的兩腳的尾指都是完全不會動的,而其他四隻都只能有限度的向上下彎曲,要他們撐開是完完全全不可能的事。在香港的時候,有次我跟朋友去做瑜珈,有一段導師要求我們把所有腳指撐開,以我所見每位同學都沒有問題呀,我當下子就想到了肥外的腳指,若他也在同一班上學瑜珈我一定會笑死。可能這個還可申請傷殘泊車證,那麼在巴黎泊車就快便多啦。
其實可笑的還有幾個,等下次再續吧, 呵...呵....
上個月考文試前收到新加坡皮媽的3本書,一是不看,一看便停不了,因為實在太好笑了所以最後連考試也不顧。她寄給我的是「我的打令是外個人 - 第一、二冊」及「交換日記-第9冊」。在「我的打令是外個人」中,那個日本作者用漫畫方式說出一些她跟她的打令生活上的一些趣事。其實很多都集中於說她打令的好笑事。所以我也開始想想肥外的一些有趣事,目前為止就只想到這幾點(呵...呵...)
1. 肥外看賽車比賽、網球比賽、打機的時候都會整個身體多個部位都會跟著賽車、網球的方向動。我說的不止是頭呀,好像當我們在巴西的機場等候上機的時候都會用肥外的blackberry打撞磚的遊戲來打發時間,肥外有一次由於投入得很,連腳都一起跟撞磚的球一起動,球是撞了磚,而他的腳就撞了坐在他隔鄰的候機乘客去。
2. 跟肥外在街上走其實還挺危險的,因為當跟他一起走路的時候,他會不知不覺的向我那邊推,你可知巴黎的街上的狗便便很多,一不留神可給他推到狗便便上。不過很多時都是給他推出行人路,沒有車來的時候還挺安全的。
3. 這個我可是將我的快樂建築在他的身體殘障上,不過還真的每次我都會跟他取笑一番。就是他的兩腳的尾指都是完全不會動的,而其他四隻都只能有限度的向上下彎曲,要他們撐開是完完全全不可能的事。在香港的時候,有次我跟朋友去做瑜珈,有一段導師要求我們把所有腳指撐開,以我所見每位同學都沒有問題呀,我當下子就想到了肥外的腳指,若他也在同一班上學瑜珈我一定會笑死。可能這個還可申請傷殘泊車證,那麼在巴黎泊車就快便多啦。
其實可笑的還有幾個,等下次再續吧, 呵...呵....
2007年6月18日 星期一
Voyages-SNCF - http://www.voyages-sncf.fr (法國出法的機票、法國內陸機票、世界各地的酒店都可以裡找到,個人覺得機票是比其他網站平)
AsiaRooms - http://www.asiarooms.com/ (差不多是可以找到最平的網站,若早點訂房價格更低)
Best Western Hotel Chain - http://www.bestwestern.com/ (世界各地都有best western的酒店,於此網站訂房比其他網站訂best western訂的平至少10%)
Voyages-SNCF - http://www.voyages-sncf.fr (法國出法的機票、法國內陸機票、世界各地的酒店都可以裡找到,個人覺得機票是比其他網站平)
AsiaRooms - http://www.asiarooms.com/ (差不多是可以找到最平的網站,若早點訂房價格更低)
Best Western Hotel Chain - http://www.bestwestern.com/ (世界各地都有best western的酒店,於此網站訂房比其他網站訂best western訂的平至少10%)
2007年6月17日 星期日
2007年6月13日 星期三
Another update from Salvador, Brasil
Time flies, 2 weeks of holiday almost come to an end, today is the 5th day in Salvador since we left Iguassu. We only stayed two days in Iguassu but it was more than enough for us, as Salvador is a relatively small town comparing with Rio de Janeiro or Salvador, in Iguassu, seems like all the activities there are around visitors visiting the Iguassu falls. We picked to visit the falls in Argentina side rather than those in Brazilian side, as majority of the falls are situated in Argentina side.
The falls in Igassu are stunning and really have taken me breathless, not only that I have a very close ENCOUNTER with them, but also I have seen rainbows that were so close that I almost can touch. The biggest fall there named Diablo fall, which Diablo in English is Devil, but I found it contrary divine. We also took a speed boat trip along to get a close look to one of the falls and as expected we were totally wet, I wish I have taken a shampoo so I can wash my hair in the falls, I am sure I would have been the pioneer. Haa..haa...
During the night we went to a local BBQ buffet restaurant for dinner which is amazingly good and amazingly affordable, which is only 4 euro per person, other than the food I also found the place interesting as it packed with local people and its environment is like Hongkongs Tai Pan Tong.
The day we arrived in Salvandor was a nightmare, as our flight was supposed to be a firect flight, but we only know that we need to stop over at Sao Paulo for 30 mins while we checked-in. As predicted, the flight was delayed for 2 hours and while we arrived at Sao Paulo, we wered asked to leave the plane as the crew members no longer served this plane and we need to wait at the departure hall for news, we had no idea when we could get on the plane, adding on the reason that no one could speak english, we totally had no idea what was going on. We finally got on the plane after 1 hour and instead of arriving at 9.50pm we arrvied at Salvandor at 2am.
Salvandor is more like my image of Brazil than Rio de Janeiro,. everywhere is colourful houses and there are not many tall buildings. There are more african influence in here, especially on food, they are more chilly and with a lot of spice. As usual, we have spent a lot of time on the beach, and Fat Or got so tan that I haven never seen before. Of course I always hide under an umbrella and with tons of sun blocks. :)
Got to go now for drinks.....
The falls in Igassu are stunning and really have taken me breathless, not only that I have a very close ENCOUNTER with them, but also I have seen rainbows that were so close that I almost can touch. The biggest fall there named Diablo fall, which Diablo in English is Devil, but I found it contrary divine. We also took a speed boat trip along to get a close look to one of the falls and as expected we were totally wet, I wish I have taken a shampoo so I can wash my hair in the falls, I am sure I would have been the pioneer. Haa..haa...
During the night we went to a local BBQ buffet restaurant for dinner which is amazingly good and amazingly affordable, which is only 4 euro per person, other than the food I also found the place interesting as it packed with local people and its environment is like Hongkongs Tai Pan Tong.
The day we arrived in Salvandor was a nightmare, as our flight was supposed to be a firect flight, but we only know that we need to stop over at Sao Paulo for 30 mins while we checked-in. As predicted, the flight was delayed for 2 hours and while we arrived at Sao Paulo, we wered asked to leave the plane as the crew members no longer served this plane and we need to wait at the departure hall for news, we had no idea when we could get on the plane, adding on the reason that no one could speak english, we totally had no idea what was going on. We finally got on the plane after 1 hour and instead of arriving at 9.50pm we arrvied at Salvandor at 2am.
Salvandor is more like my image of Brazil than Rio de Janeiro,. everywhere is colourful houses and there are not many tall buildings. There are more african influence in here, especially on food, they are more chilly and with a lot of spice. As usual, we have spent a lot of time on the beach, and Fat Or got so tan that I haven never seen before. Of course I always hide under an umbrella and with tons of sun blocks. :)
Got to go now for drinks.....
2007年6月7日 星期四
Before Heading to Igassu
The weather is extremely well in these 2 days despite of a cloudy forcast, thanks to that we have spent most of the time under the sun either on the beach or next to the swimming pool in the hotel.
Since the nice weather, we can see and experience in Rio de Janeiro at its maximum , one thing I have noticed something interesting is, everything I went I can smell BBQ meat. As a BBQ extermist like me, I am totally defeated by the smell and already have a few good BBQ meals. Yummm.....I think we are going to have some more (street BBQ that I just discovered) on the way back to the hotel after this update.
Tomorrow we are heading to Igassu (not sure how exactly it spells as I saw so many different versions) to see the falls, a long flight to get there.
Better go, Fay Org is looking as the watch and reminding me that we need to go before 1 hour time limit for the internet access. Afterall, things are quite experience here. Haa..haa...
Since the nice weather, we can see and experience in Rio de Janeiro at its maximum , one thing I have noticed something interesting is, everything I went I can smell BBQ meat. As a BBQ extermist like me, I am totally defeated by the smell and already have a few good BBQ meals. Yummm.....I think we are going to have some more (street BBQ that I just discovered) on the way back to the hotel after this update.
Tomorrow we are heading to Igassu (not sure how exactly it spells as I saw so many different versions) to see the falls, a long flight to get there.
Better go, Fay Org is looking as the watch and reminding me that we need to go before 1 hour time limit for the internet access. Afterall, things are quite experience here. Haa..haa...
2007年6月4日 星期一
Quick Hello From Brazil
Hello, today is the fourth day that we are in Roi de Janeiro, the last 3 days were raining days andfinally is a sunny day today. We are going to stay another 3 more days here before taking the plane to Foz de Igazu, where the biggest water fall in South America situated in.
Beaches are everywhere in Roi de Janeiro, and beach volley ball and football nets are easilyspotted on the beaches, but since the weather was bad, I have seen anyone using them though.
English (not to mention Chinese and French) is definitely not a propular language here beyond hotels, so we have been practising a lot of body language here.
Have to head off, if I can find an internet access again, I may give you a bit more update from Brazil.
Beaches are everywhere in Roi de Janeiro, and beach volley ball and football nets are easilyspotted on the beaches, but since the weather was bad, I have seen anyone using them though.
English (not to mention Chinese and French) is definitely not a propular language here beyond hotels, so we have been practising a lot of body language here.
Have to head off, if I can find an internet access again, I may give you a bit more update from Brazil.
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