2006年6月17日 星期六



5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

唔駛怪自己以前冇時間陪父母,因為父母係唔會睇past or future,but only present ,所以好好同佢地玩一定已好滿足了。

匿名 提到...

Hi Mish. Best of luck with your house & job hunt. I am surprised you are not hyper about this whole transition into the next stage of life. Anyhow, I'm sure things will just turn out wonderful for ya, and what a shame I can't come share the joy! Okies, gotta hit the sack again, work has taken all my life-force. If ya need anything, I'm just a call away aight? Ciao ~

Unknown 提到...

Thanks Aldous. Yes, parents love to their children are always unconditional. My parents will arrive here soon, hope they will enjoy their time in France.

Unknown 提到...

Too bad hardly see you on MSN nowadays. Tell you something funny, I dreamt about our 'good friend' the other day, in the dreamt he tried to set me up again, and of course he makes himself looks even more incompetence.

匿名 提到...

Ya know, you saw him in your dream, I actually RAN into him when I attended the quarterly Townhall today at SCT. Dear lord why do I always run into people I despise instead of hotties huh? Anyhow, the point is, I didn't even bother to entertain him with a smile...I know, I know, I just can't be political enough =p Hope you had fun at the wedding and DO post your photos so I can at least share the joy from afar.