2008年6月24日 星期二
因為皮膚出了很嚇人的紅疹,為免嚇懷16區的老婆婆,所以跟肥外決定跟到郊外渡一個懶洋洋的週未。肥外更請了一天假,我們在網上租了一間位於loire valley的屋,星期五晚上出發,車程大概是3個多小時。那間渡間屋的位置很偏僻,所以一整天都只會見一,兩輪車經過,見得最多的應該是乳牛了。
張貼留言 (Atom)
4 則留言:
感覺你過了個很悠閒的weekend咧XD 之後七八月也有兩個long weekend, 可以安排再去休養生息喔~~
謝謝你教了我那麼多XD 我後來有去網路上找資料, 自己調整對比跟色彩飽和度, 果真改善很多耶!!!
哈哈, 你讓我的人生變彩色啦XD
I find your blog by coincident. I tried to find information of paris restaurants. Then i saw your blog which is very interesting. I come from Hong Kong too. I live in Montreal where is a french speaking city in Canada. In July my family and I will come visiting Paris. Do you mind if i ask you some questions about Paris?
We will arrive on July 14, i believe there will be some celebrations in Paris. But i can't find detail information about it. Would it be possible that you could share with me? I know that there will have a firework on july 14. I saw on your blog that you said we could go to Printemps Maison for sightseeing. Do you think i could see the firework from there or will the magasin open on that day? Besides, i don't want to bring too much cash with me. Somebody told me that if i use visa card for payment and stores or restaurants will add the additional charge. is it true? i hope you won't mind that i ask you so many question.
Merci Beaucoup!
Hi Eva,