2006年3月17日 星期五


今次去cambodia亦有同Erwan會合,家陣佢係星加坡讀緊MBA,所以都有幾個月無見。大家都喜愛影相,不過都係未可以好好掌握到攝影既技巧,所以如果影到張靚既就會好好好好開心。好似呢張相咁係Erwan佢影架,我都覺得好靚呀,你地話呢,而坐係swimming pool邊既就係好幫佢影既一張。

English version for Erwan:
This time we also met up with Erwan who is now studying MBA in Singapore and haven't seen each other for a few months. We both share the same enthusiasm about photography, despite of our immature photo taking techniques. Here is the photo taken by him in Angor, which I truely loved with all the colours and formation of the photos. And he also posed for my photos below.
